
Ride Control

Ride Control

  • Discontinued by Manufacturer

    Control Module 2014-2015 Jaguar T2R13609


    Module-Adapter Dam.F-Type. Adaptive damping module. Adaptive damping control, to vin k22184. Active Suspension Control Module. Dynamic Suspension Control Unit. Module - ADAPT Dam. Fits F-Type, XE ADAPTIVE DAMPING CONTROL, to VIN K22184. ADAPTIVE DAMPING...
  • Sensor 2018 Jaguar C2P15219


    Rear Sensor, Height Sensor, Sensor-Height.XJ series. F-Type. XF. Left. Rear sensor. Headlamp levelling system, with black connector. Sensor. Height. HeadLAMP LevelLING System. Rear. Sensor that is used to determine the Height of the suspension...
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